Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate

Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate

Xi'an Chenlang Biotechnology Co., Ltd. está comprometida con la investigación y producción de materias primas de alimentos funcionales y materias primas de alimentos saludables, y lleva a cabo la utilización y el desarrollo integrales, profesionales y sistemáticos de ingredientes activos vegetales, que se utilizan ampliamente en medicamentos. productos sanitarios, bebidas, cosméticos, alimentos y otros campos.


Suministro mundial de materias primas

Desarrollo y pruebas de productos personalizados

Product Description
Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate is a chemical compound commonly used in the cosmetics industry. It is an ester derived from Chromanyl Palmitate and Methoxy Chromanyl Palmitate. This compound offers numerous benefits and is known for its anti-aging and antioxidant properties.

Product Function
Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate functions as a skin conditioning agent and can enhance the appearance of the skin by reducing the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. It helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion.

Product Application
Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate can be found in various skincare products, including moisturizers, serums, and anti-aging creams. It is often used in formulations targeting mature or aging skin, but it can also benefit individuals of all ages looking to improve their skin's overall appearance and health.

Product Quality Control
Our Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate undergoes rigorous quality control measures to ensure its purity and effectiveness. We source our ingredients from reputable suppliers and conduct thorough testing to meet industry standards and regulations.

Product Stability
Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate is highly stable and can withstand various environmental conditions. It remains effective even when exposed to heat, light, and air, making it suitable for long-term use in cosmetic formulations.

Product Safety
The safety of our customers is of utmost importance to us. Dimethylmethoxy Chromanyl Palmitate has been extensively tested for safety and is considered safe for use in cosmetics when used as directed. However, it is always recommended to perform a patch test before applying any new skincare product to ensure compatibility and minimize the risk of irritation or allergic reactions.


Nuestra empresa se destaca en la industria de extractos de plantas y materias primas cosméticas, como lo demuestran los numerosos certificados de la industria que hemos adquirido a lo largo de los años. Estas certificaciones sirven como testimonio de nuestros productos altamente competitivos, mostrando nuestra experiencia, compromiso con la calidad y cumplimiento de los estándares de la industria. Nos enorgullecemos de nuestra capacidad para ofrecer constantemente extractos de plantas y materias primas cosméticas de primer nivel que satisfagan las necesidades en constante evolución de nuestros clientes. Con nuestra amplia gama de productos certificados, ofrecemos una clara ventaja sobre la competencia, brindando a nuestros clientes soluciones superiores y asegurando su éxito en el mercado.

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